Find out first hand what this is all about 
following service on April 21st:
Question:  What do you get when you cross play money with containers of treasures?
February Food for ALL Update:
What a successful food drive!  A total of 328 pounds was donated to the New Lisbon Food Pantry.  The February calendar was filled, and that means that $300 was donated to our local food pantry with a match of $300 being donated to world hunger.  THANK YOU to all for your participation and support! 




Prayers of Concern


Connie Wolfgram has requested prayers for Mary Lee ( aunt) and Steve Stapleton ( borther-in-law).

Marilyn Wetley

Garry Olson

Collette Schultz

Lynn Martin

Elwood Syverson

Dennis Stark


Fran Benson


Landon LaBerge

John Gromola

Prayers for those who have lost family and friends.

Prayers for those unable to attend worship.

Prays for those who serve our communities and country.

Prayers for God's World.



Amount needed monthly for only Bethany's part of the budget: $9960.28

Offerings + other Income received   

     Feb                           YTD

$10,771.20                $24,979.32


 $13,897.87               $23,516.64

*Includes East Lemonweir's reimbursement



2024 Bethany Council Members 

President - Mark Hansen

Vice President - Karl Katuin

Treasurer - Michaele Korbein

Secretary - Larry Thome



Discipleship (Formerly Evangelism) - Glenda Swinehart and Shane Gesler

Education - Deanna Smith

Property - Karl Katuin

Social Concerns - Christy Toelle and Inger Kirkwood

Wosrhip - Larry Thome


Long Range Planning and Stewardship Committees are now a responsibility of the Council as a whole. This is related to the updated Bethany Constitution Recently approved the Congregation.



April 2024 Celebrations
Bethany Birthdays
Becky Bailey   1
Peg Katuin  6
Kyler Reichhoff  12
John A. Krotzman   13
Yvonne Olson  22     
Jeff Berry   23
Bethany Anniversaries
Ross and Lucy Hardie11
Jeff & Holly Berry11
Steve & Renee Spaniol 21
 East Lemonweir Birthdays
Audrey Scholl   6     
                      Diana Berry18                               
East Lemonweir Anniversaries
       If your name is missing on the Birthday and Anniversary page, please call the Church Office (#562-3807), and let us know. Thank you! 


(contributed by Judy Zobal- Bethany @-ECLA President)
It would be appreciated if Easter/spring flowers would be shared for Easter Sunday. If you share yours, please put your name on it and take it back home with you to enjoy.
Thank you to those who helped prepare, serve and provide food for the funeral luncheon for Linda Balgord Fenton. The family appreciated it. May she rest in peace as her family finds peace. Also thanks to those who have supported the soup suppers by working, providing food and coming to enjoy the food and fellowship.
Our Bold Women's Sunday was a special time, and we appreciate all who participated and shared names of those who have impacted their faith journey.
Rachel Circle meets the first Tuesday of each month at 4:00 in the conference room. All ladies are invited to enjoy Bible study and fellowship. Our April study centers on what we can learn about food and eating from the scriptures.
Upcoming events:
Sunday, April 14, W-ELCA meets after church in the conference room if it works out this will allow Pastor Lucy an opportunity to join us.
Saturday, Aprul 20, W-ELCA Spring Convention - Our Redeemer - LaCrosse
A thought: Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.
 +Bethany Lutheran Church, New Lisbon, WI
Annual Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2024
1.  Call to Order:     Council President Mark Hansen called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m., immediately after today's worship service. Forty-three voting members were present for this meeting.  
2.  Adoption of the Agenda:    Christy Toelle made a motion to adopt the meeting agenda printed in the 2023 Annual Report, seconded by Galen Lingl.  Motion passed by voice vote.
3.  Congregational Statistics:  The Council Member page shows the 2023 council members, their committee, the year they came onto council, and who current officers are.  Note that terms for Larry Thome, Kathy Means and Betty Krotzman end today.  There is also a 2023 Listing of Pastoral Acts for Baptisms, confirmations, Funerals, Marriages, and Transfers.  There were no other comments.
4.  Minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting.  Minutes of the 2023 meeting were presented.  Karl Katuin made a motion to approve the minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting as printed, seconded by Glena Swinehart.  Motion passed by voice vote.
5.  Committee Reports   and   6. Other Organizational Reports:  Ross Hardie made a motion to approve the Committee Reports and Other Organizational Reports as printed, seconded by Angie Krizan.  Motion passed by voice vote.
7.  Building Fund Report:  No report provided. 
8.  Treasurer’s Report:   Reports provided for year end 2023 included a General Fund Checking Register, Expenses Listing, Accounts Balances, and a Savings Summary.  Galen Lingl and Kathy Thome complete an audit of the financial records on January 14, 2024, and records appear to be in order and proper.  All accounts are reconciled monthly.  Balance in the General Fund checking account as of December 31, 2023 was $763.28, which included the Auction proceeds not yet transferred to savings.  September activity included closing three accounts -the Youth Fund, the Social Concerns Fund, and the General Savings Account- to help simplify the bookkeeping, and their balances were added to the Special Savings.  Also in September, a CD was taken out with funds from the General Savings Account.  The Savings Summary provided the breakdown of all the funds in the special giving accounts. Debby Hansen made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Reports as printed and presented, seconded by Christy Toelle.  Motion passed by voice vote.
9.  2024 Proposed Budget:   The Council’s proposed budget for 2024 was printed in the 2023 Annual Report, with the 2023 Budget and the expenses as of December 31, 2023. The 70/30 split will continue for Bethany and East Lemonweir respectively for splitting certain shared costs. Most of the 2024 budget was kept basically the same as 2023. Besides the proposed increases in wages and related items under Pastoral Ministry, there were minor increases to Stewardship, Quilting, and Sunday School and the addition of an Other Worship Programs category.  The Council’s proposed budget was approved by Council at their January 7, 2024 meeting.  Karl Katuin made a motion to approve the budget as presented, seconded by Mike Esser.  Motion passed by voice vote.
10.  Elections:   Submitted names/nomination for various positions open for next year were listed on Elections 2024 page in Annual Report. Nominations from floor will also be taken as elections progress.
-Financial Secretary:   Mark & Debby Hansen, Keith, William & Michaele Korbein, and Larry & Kathy Thome currently share the position of Co-Financial Secretary.  A motion was made by Galen Lingl to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Mark & Debby Hansen, Keith, William & Michaele Korbein, and Larry & Kathy Thome as Co-Financial Secretaries, seconded by Angela Krizan.  Motion passed by voice vote.
-Treasurer: Michaele Korbein is the current Treasurer and is the nominee listed on the ballot.  This is the only office that is elected by the congregation.  Christy Toelle made a motion to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Michaele Korbein for Treasurer, seconded by Glenda Swinehart.  Motion passed by voice vote.
-Secretary: Currently, Michaele Korbein is the Secretary; but per Synod and our Constitution, no officer should hold two officer positions. Also, this position will no longer elected by the congregation.  When the new council meets for the first time, they will vote among themselves to decide who will be Secretary, President, and Vice-President.  
-Council Members: Thank you to the three Council members going off council today:  Kathy Means, Betty Krotzman, and Larry Thome. While doing the updates to the Constitution, it was determined that our council was a bit too large for a congregation of our size, so Council will undergo right-sizing, which will result in two council member positions being dropped. Since Larry Thome did not have a full term as he was a replacement during Covid, he could volunteer to be on council again.  Debbie Hansen made a motion to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Larry Thome for the one open Council position, seconded by Barb Parker.  Motion passed by voice vote. New Council will meet immediately following worship to determine Council President, Vice-President, and Secretary.
(At the short meeting of the new council immediately following worship, Mark Hansen was voted as President, Karl Katuin was voted as Vice-President, and Larry Thome was voted as Secretary.) 
-Head Usher: No nominee was listed in the Annual Report, no one volunteered, and at this time there is no need for one.
-Synod Assembly Voting Members:  No nominee was listed in the Annual Report, but Deanna Smith and Ross Hardie volunteered.  Synod Assembly will take place in Warrens this year.  They will attend one meeting in April.  (Note: a Synod Voting Member votes according to their heart during assembly meetings; delegates vote according to wishes of their congregation). Glenda Swinehart made a motion to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Deanna Smith and Ross Hardie for Synod Assembly Voting Members, seconded by Christy Toelle.  Motion passed by voice vote.
-Sugar Creek Bible Camp Delegate:  No nominee was listed in the Annual Report, but Kathie Means volunteered for this position.  John Bailey made a motion to close nominations and case a unanimous ballot for Kathie Means for Sugar Creek Bible Camp Delegate, seconded by Keith Korbein;  Motion passed by voice vote. 
-Auditors:  No nominees were listed in the Annual Report.  Kathy Thome and Ross Hardie volunteered to be nominated as auditors.  Karl Katuin made a motion to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Kathy Thome and Ross Hardie for the Auditors positions, seconded by Keith Korbein.  Motion passed by voice vote.
11.  Old Business:   Nothing discussed.
12.  New Business:   A proposed updated Constitution has been out for several weeks, during which time Council members were available after church to answer questions on the proposal.  A summary overview of the changes was also available for members to review.  Some changes will require two votes, while some other changes only require one vote. Another vote will be taken this next month to cover what is needed.
13.  Vote on Bethany Lutheran Constitution:   Glenda Swinehart made a motion to approve the updates to the Constitution as presented, seconded by Angela Krizan.  Motion passed by voice vote.
Thank you to the Constitution Committee, especially Larry Thome for typing up the new constitution and communicating the proposed changes.
14.  Adjournment:  Galen Lingl made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Glenda Swineheart.  Motion passed.  This meeting adjourned at 10:08 am.
15.  Benediction:  Pastor provided the Benediction.
Respectfully submitted by Michaele Korbein, Council Secretary    
2024 Bethany Feb Part I 

 East Lemonweir Council Meeting


March 10, 2024


President Roger Nelson called the March 10th council meeting to order in the fellowship hall at 10:30. Pastor Lucy led us in prayer. Council Members present were Roger Nelson, Marlene Pelton, Jennifer Sarnow, Connie Wolfgram, Roger and Kathryn Pitcel, Margarete Hummelbeck and Audry Scholl.


Kathryn P made a motion to approve the minutes of the January Council Minutes, second by Connie Wolfgram; motion carried. Marlene made a motion to cast a unanimous vote for Roger Nelson as president of the council, second by Roger Pitcel; motion carried. A motion to approve the treasure's reports for January and February made by Connie, second by Marlene: motion carried. It was noted the Outreach committee has given a check to the church for the Prime Rib Dinner. This money will be kept in a separate listing.


The Synod is having a workshop for council members to look at the Constituiton.


Pastor Lucy reported the dates she will have off. April 14 Jim Arends will be with us. July 28th Pastor Dione and September 29 Deacon Stepanie will be here.


Easter season services are Maundy Thurday 6:30 at Bethany, Good Friday 1:00 Bethany and Easter Sunday at 8:00. There will be Communion on Thursday and Easter Sunday.


East Lemonweir has its 170th anniversary on July 28th and a luncheon was suggested. No further action.


Installation of council member will be held March 17th.


A motion by Roger Nelson to donate $2000 to the youth trip, second by Marlene, motion carried.


We will have combined services with Bethany on Memorial Day at East Leonweir at 10:30 and Labor day at 9:00 at Bethany. The 7th of July will be held in the park with the Methodist church invited. 


The lawn care was tabled. Marlene addressed the birch stumps left after the hillside was cleared.


The possibility of having an AED defibulator at church was received. The cost would be $1700 to $2000, and it is possible to get a discount. Nurse Natty Kranz would give instruction. Item was tabled.


Motion to adjoun by Roger P., second by Marlene; motion carried. We adjourned at 11:30.


Respectfully Submintted,


Connie Wolfgram, sec.

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